Celestinas Weddings(CW) and White Widow for Hope for Emilia

Remember...100% of proceeds from all exclusive items sold from each designer are donated to the cause so drop those lindens for a great cause!

Gown:  .:(CW):. Celestinas Muse Love Exclusive for Hope for Emilia
Face Tattoo: [White~Widow - Face Tattoo] Paon - Hope for Emilia
Hair: .:EMO-tions:. * SHENA * black
Jewelries/Nails/Bindi: +:+WTG+:+ **Dark Zone** New

Gown: .:(CW):.Sony Elee Sab Hope for Emilia
Hair: .:EMO-tions:. * YULA * darkbrown
Face Tattoo: [White~Widow - Face Tattoo] Paon Yellow/Orange Hope for Emilia
Jewelries/Nails: +:+WTG+:+ **Myth**


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