Introducing AZUL's Limited Color Edition and Alienbear Design

New AZUL store has opened its door and as most of you know, they have put out their stunning limited color edition gowns and here are three of many she has out for sale and will be sold until end of September so hurry, dont wast your time and go take a look!

I also want to show you the amazing jewelries from Alienbear Designs. They are high quality over the top jewelries at very affordable prices.  They are beautifully highly detailed and look very realistic, perfect for any formal gowns.

Gown: -AZUL- Sakura/Limited 2011Aug(MVW2011 Top12/Miss China)
Jewelries: Alienbear BijouxOr Gold Oriental Tang - Mui Fei
Hair: Tukinowaguma Selma
Skin: [BLUSH] Elle Skin - A Touch of Nostalgy(New)

Gown: -AZUL- Blossoms/Limited 2001Aug(MVW2011 Top12/Miss China)
Hair:Tukinowaguma Sophia Ebony
Jewelries: Alienbear's (VeraVanessa S2 Necklace Gold red)(new)
Skin: [BLUSH] Elle Skin - A Touch of Nostalgy(New)

 Gown: -AZUL- Arabesque/Limited 2011
Hair: Plume - Desir (Platinum Hunt Item)
Jewelries: Alienbear's (Gold Princess Rosana Necklace (white))
Shoes: Stiletto Moody Bare Marilyn (Black)
Skin: [BLUSH] Elle Skin - Almost Angelical(New)


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